新振り付け! 菊花台 Fan veil Dance choreography – Chrysanthemum Terrace by Jay Chou 周杰倫


🎉Happy New Year🎉(日本語ご挨拶、解説は下)
My short fan veil choreography with Chrysanthemum Terrace by Jay Chou (The theme song of Curse of the Golden Flower.)
This song is about a sad story, a husband who was engaged in the war and his wife waiting for his return.

“A wife who lovingly waits for her husband not knowing whether he is still alive or dead. Watching the chrysanthemum, remembering the field of chrysanthemum where they often used to walk together.”

I created this from the image of the wife wallowing in the memories when she and her husband were young and believed in the bright future.
The story will continue, but here’s the introduction of very beginning part of this song!

Thank you very much for your support throughout 2019, and looking forward to many more with Tribal Asia Fusiondance & Da Dance in the New Year of 2020.

コン・リー主演映画、王妃の紋章の挿入歌 “菊花台 by 周杰倫(ジェイ・チョウ)” でファンを菊の花に見立てた振り付けです。
こんなスタイルに興味がある方はTribal Asia Fusiondance初めてみてください😊
直前に迫りましたが1月11~13日に3日間のインテンシブを開催いたします。レベル・経験ジャンル関係なくご受講いただけます。 お申し込み・詳細はこちらhttp://natsumisuzuki.com/?p=7501

菊の花を見ると二人でよく散歩した菊野原を思い出す。まだ若く未来は明るいと信じていた頃の妻をイメージして創りました。 続きはまた今度。

2020年もTribal Asia Fusiondanceと打ダンスをどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Natsumi

Music 二胡: Ju Hua Tai (Bed of Chrysanthemums.) by KiRiKo

カテゴリー: Class / WS / Show, Dance パーマリンク